
Thursday 30 January 2014

Owl woman, caged beauty- Mujer búho, belleza enjaulada

This project started for me in Natalie´s Kitchen the evening that she showed me the sketches of the dress she had created. I fell in love. Then I thought that for the make up, I would use a latex beak prosthetic, feathers...we talked for hours. A few weeks, maybe months after that evening, we had the photoshoot. Location, an abandoned house in Co Wexford. A great moment when Dave Kavanagh and Steph got involved in the project, and Francesco Fusco filming on the day. The result, judge for yourself :)

Este proyecto empezó para mí en la cocina de Natalie la tarde en que me enseñó el boceto de un vestido que había creado. Me enamoró. Ya empecé a imaginar que podría usar un pico de látex, y plumas...hablamos durante horas. Unas semanas después, o quizás meses, tuvimos la sesión de fotos. El lugar, una casa abandonada en el condado de Wexford. Un momento emocionante, cuando Dave Kavanagh y Steph dijeron que sí al proyecto, y Francesco Fusco a rodar con vídeo. El resultado, juzga tú mism@ :)

Photographer: Dave Kavanagh/ Dave Kavanagh Photography

Costume Designer and hair: Natalie da Costa/House of Da Costa

Make up: Ana Aparici-Wickham/Oh La Belle!

Model: Stephanie O´Sullivan/Miss Steph Zombie

I want to thank my sister in law Lisa for letting us going to her house for the make up and hair process :)

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